All You Ever Wanted to Know About Watercolor Supplies (but Were Afraid to Ask)

art supplies watercolor Mar 19, 2018

Here's who this is for...

  • You love the look of watercolor and don't know how to get started
  • You're overwhelmed by all the different supplies and want just the essentials
  • You've been painting in watercolor for awhile, but you're curious to what supplies ( and brands) that I use on a regular basis.

Here's what you're going to come away with...

  • The number one (or two) colors you need no matter what
  • My favorite brands ( and more importantly WHY) plus how to stretch your watercolor budget
  • The complete, yet succinct, watercolor supplies I recommend ( if you haven't downloaded it already- here's your freebie!)


About Miriam 

Hey there, I'm Miriam Schulman and I tell stories (often with watercolor and mixed media) I also teach other people how to express their stories through art. When I'm not working in my art studio, you can find me in museums, spending time with my amazing family -like screaming my head off at my son's wrestling match or watching my daughter play cello.

Come see what kind of art I create at or
join the fun here at



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